First 10 Weekend Workshop

First 10 Weekend Workshop


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Nailing the first ten pages of your TV pilot is crucial; if you don’t capture your reader's attention—be it an agent, manager, producer, executive, or showrunner—they often stop reading. In the "Your First Ten Pages" workshop, participants submit their pilot’s opening ten pages, a logline, and a personal connection paragraph for in-depth feedback from TV Writer Alesia Etinoff (THE GAME) and the other participants peers. How your script’s opening pages connects to your personal story and/or individuality can captivate your reader and demonstrate your readiness for a TV writing career. Every participant is expected to read everyone’s material; therefore, each project will receive thirty minutes of detailed feedback from both Alesia and their peers, with an opportunity to ask follow-up questions and gain valuable insights. This workshop was first hosted in May 2023 at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Drama Senior Showcase in Los Angeles, CA, and again March 2024 at Carnegie Mellon University campus in Pittsburgh, PA.

Space is extremely limited to offer meaningful feedback for each participant.


Alesia Etinoff is a TV writer based in Los Angeles. She most recently wrote for the Paramount + reboot of THE GAME. She also sold a TV Show to Paramount+ and CBS TV Studios with Trevor Noah as Executive Producer, based on her award-winning webseries, Avant-Guardians! She currently has both a drama series in development with Sterling K. Brown’s production company, Indian Meadows, and Black Bear Pictures, as well as a comedy series with Malcolm D. Lee’s BlackMaled Productions and Meralta Films. Alesia is represented by CAA. 

In March 2024, Carnegie Mellon University invited Alesia to host a writing workshop with their undergraduate and graduate writing students, where she gave live feedback on their TV pilot scripts. She was also Carnegie Mellon’s guest faculty for the 2024 Alfred P. Sloan Script Competition. In 2018, Alesia partnered with the Emmy’s Television Academy to create their diversity writing intensive, Young Writers to Watch, which she’s expanded the curriculum she designed there for Etinoff Script Notes. Alesia has done coverage for talent agencies, worked for ABC Studios, and has given impressive notes to several high-profile writers. 

Alesia earned a BFA Dramaturgy degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 2014, where she was trained specifically in how to work with and give notes to writers so they can execute the story they’ve envisioned in the most compelling way.

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